Optimal broadcasting tips

We have made a brief list of tips to ensure your movie viewing experience is just as incredible as the content

Please check the following steps and the links for an optimal experience on Streaming platform:

1. Test your internet speed

2. View movie best requirements (Internet Bandwidth requirements)

3. Best broadcasting requirements details

4. What broadcaster to choose. The difference between our broadcasters is:

  • Web broadcaster is limited to stream on the following resolutions: 160×120, 320×240, 400×300
  • HD Wave broadcaster can stream in High-definition resolutions, up to 2560 x 2048

5. Have a decent video source

6. Upgrade camera driver from producer website

7. Check Firewall ports

8. How to adjust stream quality (if poor quality exists)

The room luminosity is very important. You will need a very good lighting in the room if you want a very good FPS average. You can experiment with different lighting to see what works best

WARNING: Encoding Black rooms requires 80% more processing power and sends 80% more data than a white well-lit room. Cameras in dark broadcasting will load your processor and cause much more data stress on your network. A simple test will show that encoding dark backgrounds will result in dropped frames and lower frames per second. Depending on the camera you choose, this could significantly affect the viewing experience


If your streams are stuttering or hiccuping a lot, try changing to a different resolution video stream and see if that helps. Interestingly enough, you might not always benefit from changing to a lower resolution; I’ve watched plenty of feeds that are stuttering at 360p but perfectly smooth at 720p, so just try different settings and see if one works better than the others

Important: When the stream is adaptive, the resolution that will appear on the player is strictly related to player size, meaning that if the player is smaller then the resolution that will play will be the lower one, if the user will switch to full screen then the resolution that will play will be higher