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Urgent! From the desk of Bishop Lloyd T. Lockett The Owner/CEO of My Streaming Video Broadcasting Network

by admin

From the desk of Bishop Lloyd T. Lockett The Owner/CEO of My Streaming Video Broadcasting Network
Greetings body of Christ, I pray that the New Year is full of the peace and blessings of our Lord and Redeemer Christ Jesus. As we all know, the New Year comes with its ups and downs and the strain of this reality affects us all. With this being the case MSVBN needs $20,000 to make ends meet.
As most of you know I pay out of pocket the cost of the overcharges such as hosting fees, bandwidth, storage, and support along with other hidden costs so that I can give you all the major costs of operations that you have.
At this time I am again at the mercy of the faithful body of believers to support me so that we all can continue to enjoy the plentitude of blessings that come through this wonderful platform. I cannot stress how important it is to have your blessings, prayers, and financial seed to keep MSVBN running at the price points used at this time.
Your gift will be the only thing that will keep us up and running so please plant in Jesus' name with a heart of concern for this platform and with the mindfulness of severity surrounding my dilemma to continue what I’ve been doing for many years to the glory of God.
If you become one of my 24-hour streaming partners along with your gift, you will get.
A. for a one-time gift of $200.00 will receive 1 free 24-hour channel for the life of your streaming with us.
B. for a one-time gift of $300.00, you will receive 3 free 24-hour channels for the life of your streaming with us.
PLEASE NOTE: these added channels will be added to the packages that you already have.
2. Zelle: 763-568-6709 or
3. PayPal:
Bishop Lloyd T. Lockett

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