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Assign video playlist Support video

by admin
4 years and 10 months ago
Live Video Support

Provided you have a video playlist and a channel created, you can schedule the playlist to play on that channel.
Logged in your account dashboard, click on My Video Playlist link, under Setup a Playlist chapter:

The first step is to click on the Assign button for the desired playlist from the list of available playlists:

The second step is to select the day when you want to schedule the playlist and the channel to which you want to schedule the playlist:

The last step is to add the details of the program to which the playlist will be assigned:
Note: you can select a video channel only. For scheduling video programs check the manual page.

Program recurring
Navigate to the program recurrence area to make the settings you prefer for your program:

Note: If you selected a weekly program you can also select a specific day your want the program to take place by checking the desired box.

Important: if you will set a PPV recurring program, only the program recurs and not the payment (basically the users will have to buy a ticket for each recurrence of the program).

PPV settings
Click on the PPV settings button from the header part of the window to set the options you want for the program:

1. Select the Yes option if you want to set a price for the program or the No option if you want the program to be free.
2. Insert the ticket price for the program.
3. Here you can see the processing fees for the ticket price – these are automatically calculated once you have entered the ticket price.
4. Here you can see the net income you will get – this is automatically calculated once you have entered the ticket price.

Remember to save the program after you set the PPV price.
Note: check the following manual page for more details on how you receive your earnings from sold PPV tickets.

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